
Showing posts from December, 2012

Fire Prevention Planning

     Fire Prevention plan is important part of safety management. It require proper planning in written procedure.                Because of the substantial risks and costs associated with work place fires, it requires to have a fire prevention plan that incorporates: 1. A list of the major workplace fire hazards,  2. Proper handling and storage procedures for hazardous materials ,  3. potential ignition sources and their control,  4. type of fire protection equipment  needed to control each major hazard    5. Names and job titles of employees responsible for maintaining equipment     installed to prevent or control sources of ignition and fires  6.Names and job titles of employees responsible for controlling fuel source     hazards 7. Procedures for controlling accumulations of flammable and combustible       waste materials 8. Procedures for r...

Job Hazard Analysis (JHA)

                   Performing a Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) is an effective tool to minimize or eliminate hazards and reduce accidents. Make sure your employees don’t look at just the obvious dangers; train them to look for simple, everyday things that can go wrong, too. Each job in the workplace should be examined in detail so that risks can be found in the job process step-by-step.             Instruct your workers to ask specific questions about the jobs they do. For example: 1. Are any hazardous materials involved, and do I know the proper precautions for protecting myself and co-workers? 2. Do I always wear the proper personal protective equipment (PPE)? 3. Is machinery adequately guarded to protect me from injury? 4. Are the guards in place and in good working order? 5. Are there factors that could cause ergonomic injuries, such as heavy lifting, excessive reaching and twisting, or awkward post...


Documentation  -  maintenance organisation shall develop and maintain documentation,    in paper or electronic form, to describe the following: (a) Safety policy; (b) Safety objectives; (c) requirements, procedures and processes; (d) Responsibilities and authorities for procedures and processes; and (e) SMS outputs.       A maintenance organisation shall, as part of the SMS documentation, develop and maintain a Safety Management System Manual (SMSM), to communicate the organization’s approach to safety throughout the organization

Safety Management

                               Safety management is commonly understood as applying a set of principles, framework , processes and measures to prevent accidents, injuries and other adverse consequences that may be caused by using a service or a product.                                Safety management is an organizational function, which ensures that all safety risks have been identified, assessed and satisfactorily mitigated.                                Safety Management System (SMS) is the formal, top-down business approach to managing safety risk, which includes a systemic approach to managing safety, including the necessary organizational structures, accountabilities, policies and procedures.            ...

Hazard log template

                              CAR Section 1 Series C Part I  requires Air operators, Aerodrome operator, ATS/AANS Service provider to develop, establish, maintain and  adhere to a Safety Management System. Effective safety reporting of  hazard s by operational personnel, their analysis and documentation is a corners stone for management of safety.                               The formal documentation of hazards is an essential requirement for hazard identification as well as a trait of mature safety management. Safety information (i.e. analysed raw data)) and safety intelligence (i.e. safety information that has been corroborated and further analysed by  adding context)) combine to generate safety knowledge that must  formally reside in the organization and not with the individual members  of the or...