Just Culture (Developing and Maintaining)

Key Features for Developing and Maintaining a Just Culture

                The following list outlines some of the key features that need to be addressed when developing and maintaining a Just Culture in an organisation:
  1. Just Culture policy documented.
  2. Definitions agreed about what is “acceptable” behaviour, and what is “not acceptable”. (Note: these will be specific to, and aligned with, values derived from national, organizational and professional cultures).
  3. Sanctions agreed for unacceptable behaviour.
  4. Process to deal with actions in the “grey area”.
  5. Just Culture policy communicated throughout the organisation.
  6. Reporting systems linked to Just Culture policy.
  7. Fair treatment being applied.
  8. Breaches of the policy being monitored (e.g., error punished or violations excused).
  9. Reports being followed-up; actions taken to address error-producing condition


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