Safety Newsletter
Safety newsletters published once per month should be adequate in most cases. When a particular event occurs that can serve as a lesson learned, then it may seize the opportunity to publish out of sequence. These special safety announcements should not interfere with the regular schedule of safety newsletters.
Quarterly newsletters may not keep users actively engaged in the "safety process." One major goal is to instruct and generate safety awareness. If publish quarterly, employees may soon forget message and purpose.
Quarterly newsletters may not keep users actively engaged in the "safety process." One major goal is to instruct and generate safety awareness. If publish quarterly, employees may soon forget message and purpose.
The easiest and least expensive way to distribute the safety newsletter is by using the template. Another great idea to deliver the newsletter is to do it during routine safety meeting, safety committee meetings and managerial meetings. You may also consider posting safety newsletters on the bulletin boards that you external stakeholders have access to.
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