Performance Objective. The organization will identify and document the hazards in its
operations that are likely to cause death, serious physical harm, or damage to equipment or property in sufficient detail to determine associated level of risk and risk acceptability.
      While it is recognized that identification of every conceivable hazard is impractical, organizations are expected to exercise due diligence in identifying and controlling significant and reasonably foreseeable hazards related to their operations.
        Risk likelihood and severity may be expressed in quantitative or qualitative terms.
          Design Expectations.
(1) Hazards will be:
      (a) Identified for the entire scope of the system, as defined in the system description
      (b) Documented.
(2) Hazard information will be:
     (a) Tracked, and
     (b) Managed throughout the entire SRM process.
        Hazards in the system and its operating environment must be identified, documented, and controlled. It also requires that the analysis process used to define hazards consider all components of the system, based on the system description detailed above.               The key question to ask during analysis of the system and its operation is what if? As with system and task descriptions, judgment is required to determine the adequate level of detail. While identification of every conceivable hazard would be unlikely, aviation service providers are expected to exercise due diligence in identifying significant and reasonably foreseeable hazards related to their operations.


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