Risk assesment - New people
New people or OJT is considered safety hazard. new people includes those leaving school and starting work for the first time (encompassing apprenticeships and traineeships); those employed on a casual basis ; work experience, vocational and training students.
When assessing risks to new people, special factors to consider are:
• the size of the person and their level of physical maturity;
• their general behaviour and psychological maturity;
• their work experience and training;
• their ability to make mature judgement about their own safety and the safety of others; and
• their ability to cope with unexpected, stressful situations.
With the high rates in lost time injury for new workers, focus on their safety in the workplace.
Safety risk can be reduced by identifying the hazards, assessing the risks, and dealing with them before new workers are exposed.
In respect to information, instruction and training, it is our responsibility to provide them before a new worker starts work.
Similarly, new workers must ensure they understand emergency procedures and how to seek help in the event of an accident or injury. This instruction must be specific and relevant to workplace and working conditions.
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