
Violation: a deliberate act of willful misconduct or omission resulting in a deviation from established regulations, procedures, norms or practices.
Nonetheless, non-compliance is not necessarily the result of a violation as deviations from regulatory requirements or operating procedures may be a result of an error. To further complicate the issue, while violations are intentional acts, they are not always acts of malicious intent. Individuals may knowingly deviate from norms, in the belief that the violation facilitates mission achievement without creating adverse consequences. Violations of this nature are errors in judgement and may not automatically result in disciplinary measures depending on the policies in place. Violations of this type can be categorized as follows:
       Situational violations are committed in response to factors experienced in a specific context, such as time pressure or high workload.
       Routine violations become the normal way of doing business within a work group. Such violations are committed in response to situations in which compliance with established procedures makes task completion difficult. This may be due to practicality/ workability issues, deficiencies in human-technology interface design and others that cause persons to adopt \work-around. procedures, which eventually become routine. These deviations, referred to as \drift,. may continue without consequence. But, over time they may become frequent and result in potentially severe consequences. In some cases, routine violations are well grounded and may result in the incorporation of the routine violation as an accepted procedure after a proper safety assessment has been conducted and it shows that safety is not compromised.
      Organizationally induced violations may be considered as an extension of routine violations. This type of violation tends to occur when an organization attempts to meet increased output demands by ignoring or stretching its safety defences.


Routine Violations: Violations which are a habitual action on the part of the operator and are tolerated by the governing authority.

Exceptional Violations: Violations which are an isolated departure from authority, neither typical of the individual nor condoned by managemen


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