Safety Newsletter Prepare

            Find a newsletter template or use MS word that suitable for your company. Each company has a culture different from the next, but there are many standard newsletter templates that can be borrowed. 

           Safety newsletter should be no more than 2 pages. Remember, you want them to be able to read it at one setting. If you have poor content that does not excite the reader, then you can have the prettiest safety newsletter, but nobody will bother reading it the second time around.

         It is better to use MS Word to create your safety newsletter. You can save the draft newsletter to your hard drive until you are ready to publish, whether by email or by hard copy.

        It is recommend that use the company logo and put a catchy name to your Safety Newsletter. Don't forget to put a date on the top and optionally an issue number. These issue numbers will help when you document your issues for the safety report. Did you just say document for the safety report? Yes, the number of safety newsletters you publish may be considered as a key safety performance indicator.

       At least one article each issue should focus on an employee or a contractor of special notice. When employees and other readers see their names in the newsletter, they can relate to the safety newsletter. This becomes "news" that has a personal touch. Items of note may be users completing specialized safety training, or awards for creative thinking regarding safety concerns.
Frequency of Publication :  once per month should be adequate.



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