Chap 5 : Safety Objective

           Safety Objective describe the safety objectives of the organization. 
         The safety objectives should be a short statement that describes in broad terms what the organization hopes to achieve.
Criteria :
  1. The safety objectives have been established are expressed as a top-level statement describing the AMO commitment to achieving safety.
  2. There is a formal process to develop a coherent set of safety objectives.
  3. The safety objectives are publicized and distributed.
  4.  Resources have been allocated for achieving the objectives.
  5.  Where the safety objectives are linked to safety indicators to facilitate monitoring and measurement where appropriate.

  1. training in functional and professional areas (initial, recurrent and effectiveness);  
  2.  equipment, infrastructure, and service facility provision;
  3. maintenance of equipment, infrastructure, and service facilities;
  4. the provision and promulgation of data to the required accuracy;
  5.  safety performance setting and monitoring;
  6. reacting to occurrences and being proactive and predictive in identifying emerging hazards;
  7. design, development and the entering into service of changes in airport  organization, infrastructure, and facilities; and
  8. staffing establishment, including the:
                    i.  appointment of the right people in the right jobs by a process that matches personnel profiles to task competence needs, including key appointments in safety-critical areas; and
                   ii.  Establishment of specialist safety groups at the senior and other levels.


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