
Showing posts from 2018

Chap.15 : SMSM - Emergency/contingency response plan

          Emergency/contingency response plan is to  describe the organization’s intentions regarding, and commitment to dealing with, emergency situations and their corresponding recovery controls.       Outline the roles and re sponsibilities of key personnel.        ERP can be a separate  document  or it can be part of the SMS manual.       For implementation some criteria has been written down: emergency plan that outlines the roles and  responsibilities in the event of a major incident, crisis or accident. notification process that includes an emergency call list and an  internal mobilization process. arrangements with other agencies for aid and the provision of emergency services as applicable. procedures for emergency mode operations where  applicable. procedure for overseeing the welfare of all affected individuals and  for notifying next of kin. ...

Chap.14: Management of change

         Management of change is   describe the  process for managing changes that may have an impact  on safety risks and how such processes are integrated with the SMS.   Criteria of implementation :-  Procedures to ensure that substantial organizational or operational changes take   into consideration any impact which they may have on existing safety risks. Procedures to ensure that appropriate safety assessment is performed prior to   introduction of new equipment or processes which have safety risk implications.  Procedures for review of existing safety assessments whenever there are changes to the associated process or equipment.

SMS Record management

         Safety Management System (SMS) record management in an Approved Maintenance Organization (AMO) is crucial for ensuring the integrity, traceability, and availability of safety-related data. Here's an overview of how SMS record management can be structured in an AMO: Key Components of SMS Record Management Documentation and Records Control : Establish a clear policy for the creation, handling, storage, and disposal of SMS records. Ensure that all SMS documents are properly version-controlled and accessible to authorized personnel. Types of SMS Records : Safety Reports : Incident and accident reports, safety investigation reports, and hazard reports. Risk Assessments : Documentation of risk assessments, including risk matrices and mitigation measures. Safety Performance Indicators (SPIs) : Data and analysis related to SPIs, which are used to monitor safety performance. Audit Reports : Internal and external audit findings, corrective action plans, and fol...

Chap.12 SMSM - Continuous improvement and SMS audit

          Objective of  Chap.12  Continuous improvement and SMS audit is  to  describe the process for the continuous review and improvement of the SMS of any organization.      For implementation, criteria has been set:- The process for regular internal audit/review of the organization’s SMS to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. Any other programmes contributing to continuous improvement of the organization’s SMS and safety performance, e.g. MEDA, safety surveys, ISO systems.   

Chap.11:SMSM - Safety training and communication

 Objective   Safety training and communication  is to d escribe the type of SMS and other safety-related training that staff receive and the  process for assuring the effectiveness of the training.    Describe how such training  procedures are documented. Describe the safety communication processes /channels  within the organization.         Six criteria for compliance of this objective:- Training syllabus, eligibility and requirements are documented.  Validation process that measures the effectiveness of training. Training includes initial, recurrent and update training, where applicable. SMS training is part of the organization’s overall training program. SMS awareness is incorporated into the employment or indoctrination program. The safety communication processes/ channels within the organization

Chap.10 SMSM - Safety-related investigations and remedial actions

     Objective of  Chap.10 is to d escribe how accidents /incidents/ occurrences are investigated and processed within  the organization, including their correlation with the organization’s SMS hazard  identification and risk management system.         Seven criteria has been established for compliance of this objective:- Procedures to ensure that reported accidents and incidents are investigated internally. Dissemination of completed investigation reports internally as well as to DGCA  . Process for ensuring that corrective actions taken or recommended are carried  out and for evaluating their outcomes/effectiveness.   Procedure on disciplinary inquiry and actions associated with investigation report  outcomes. Clearly defined conditions under which punitive disciplinary action would be considered (e.g. illegal activity, recklessness, gross negligence or willful misconduct). Process to ensure that inve...

Chap.9 SMSM Safety performance monitoring and measurement

 Ob jective of    Safety performance monitoring and measurement is to  describe the safety performance monitoring and measurement component of the SMS. This includes the organization’s SMS safety performance indicators (SPIs).  Four criteria f or compliance:  Formal process to develop and maintain a set of safety performance indicators and their associated performance targets. Correlation established between the SPIs and the organization’s safety objectives where applicable and the process of regulatory acceptance of the SPIs. process of monitoring the performance of these SPIs including remedial action procedure whenever unacceptable or abnormal trends are triggered. Any other supplementary SMS or safety performance monitoring and measurement criteria or process.  

Chap.8 : Hazard identification

           Objective of Hazard identification and risk assessment is to  d escribe the hazard identification system and how such data are collated.       What is the process for the categorization of hazards/risks and their subsequent prioritization for a documented safety assessment.         How the safety assessment process is  conducted and how preventive action plans are implemented. Identified hazards are evaluated, prioritized and processed for risk assessment . Structured process for risk assessment involving the evaluation of  severity, likelihood, tolerability and preventive controls. Hazard identification and riskassessment procedures focus on aviation safety as  their fundamental context. Risk assessment process utilizes worksheets, forms or software appropriate  complexity of the organization and operations involved.  Having identified the hazards,...

Chap.7: Safety reporting and remedial actions

                              Objective : Safety reporting and remedial action, is to establish  reporting system which should include both reactive (accident/ incident reports, etc.) and proactive/  predictive (hazard reports).            Describe the respective reporting systems.  Factors to consider include:  report format, confidentiality, addressees,    investigation/evaluation procedures, corrective/ preventive actions and report    dissemination. Critera for Safety Reporting System.      a)  Procedure that provides for the capture of internal  occurrences including accidents, incidents and other occurrences relevant to SMS.      b) Distinction is to be made between mandatory reports (accidents, serious    incidents, major defects, etc.), which are req...

Chap.6: SMSM Responsibilities and Accountabilities

Objective :  to describe the safety authorities, responsibilities and account abilities for personnel involved in the SMS. Criteria    a) AM is responsible for ensuring that the safety  management system is properly implemented and is performing to requirements  in all areas of the organization.    b) Safety manager, safety committee or safety action groups  have been appointed.     c) Safety authorities, responsibilities and accountabilities of personnel at all levels  of the organization are defined and documented.   d) All personnel understand their authorities, responsibilities and accountabilities  with regard to all safety management processes, decisions and actions. Safety accountability and authority.         “Accountability”  refers to active management and line employee involvement and action in managing and maintaining safety performance.       ...

Chap 5 : Safety Objective

           Safety Objective d escribe the safety objectives of the organization.           The safety objectives should be a  short statement that describes in broad terms what the organization hopes to achieve. Criteria : The safety objectives have been established   are expressed as a top-level statement describing the AMO   commitment to achieving safety. There is a formal process to develop a coherent set of safety objectives. The safety objectives are publicized and distributed.  Resources have been allocated for achieving the objectives.  Where the safety objectives are linked to safety indicators to facilitate monitoring and measurement where appropriate. training in functional and professional areas (initial, recurrent and effectiveness);     equipment, infrastructure, and service facility provision; maintenance of equipment, infrastructure, and service facilitie...

Chap.4 : Safety Policy

  Objective : to d escribe the organization’s intentions, management principles and commitment to improving safety.   safety policy  is a short description similar to a mission statement.            Ho w the organisation will develop and implement an integrated, comprehensive SMS for its entire organization and will incorporate a procedure to identify and maintain compliance with current safety-related legal, regulatory, and statutory requirements.          Top management of  organisation will define the organization’s safety policy and   convey its expectations, objectives, commitments, and accountability to its employees. Safety policy should be appropriate to the size and complexity of the AMO. Safety policy states the organization’s intentions, management principles and commitment to continuous improvement in safety.  is approved and signed by the AE  is promoted by the AE...

Chap.3 SMSM Scope

                  Objective : to  describe  the scope and extent of the aviation-related operations and  facilities within which the SMS will apply.                 The scope of the processes, equipment and  operations deemed eligible for the organization’s hazard identification and risk  management (HIRM) programme should also be addressed. Nature of the organization’s business and its position or role within the industry.  Identify the major areas, departments, workshops and facilities of the organization. Identify the major processes, operations and equipment which are deemed eligible for the organization’s HIRM programme, especially those which are pertinent to aviation safety. If the scope of the HIRM-eligible processes, operations and equipment is too detailed or extensive, it may be controlled under a supplementary document as appropriate. Where the SMS is...

Chap.2 SMSM: Regulation

   1. Objective of SMSM Chap.2 is to a ddress current SMS regulations and guidance material for necessary reference and  awareness.  2. It is required to s pell out the current SMS regulations/standards into Chap.2 of SMSM including the compliance time frame and advisory material references as applicable.It is also required to  elaborate on or explain the significance and implications of the regulations to the organization. 3. Establish a correlation with other safety-related requirements or standards. 4. P urpose of identifying and maintaining applicable regulations is to ensure that we understand our legal responsibilities 5.  In compliance with the standards of ICAO Annexes, various CARs specify the requirements for the establishment of SMS.    1.  CAR Sec 1 Series C Part 1                            specifies the minimum acceptable requirements for the e...

Chap.1 SMSM - Document Control

      Objective: Document Control is to  d escribe how the manual will be kept up to date and how the organization will ensure that all personnel involved in safety-related duties have the most current version. Four criteria for required for compliance. Hard copy or controlled electronic media and distribution list. The correlation between the SMS manual and other existing manuals such as the CAME,MOE or the operations manual. Process for periodic review of the manual and its related forms/ documents to ensure their continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. Manual’s administration, approval and regulatory acceptance process.